
Tax Calculator

Note : Considering April as the first month and March as the twelfth, your taxation will be calculated accordingly for the financial year.

Social Security Board (SSB) will be calculated on monthly basic salary.

Case 1 - If Employee's age is less than 60 years then below rules will be applicable -

i. - If Monthly Basic Salary is less than 144,000 MMK then SSB will not be applicable.

ii. - If Monthly Basic Salary is between 144,000 MMK and 300,000 MMK then SSB is calculated as 2% of Monthly Basic Salary.

iii. - If Monthly Basic Salary is more than 300,000 MMK , then SSB is calculated as 2% of Max limit of Basic Salary which is 300,000 MMK

Case 2 - If Employee's age is more than 60 years then SSB is calculated as 2.5% of Monthly Basic salary

Starting Month
Number of Remaining Months if Payroll starts in the middle of Financial year
Monthly Salary I have different salary for months
Annual Salary
Other Taxable Earning
Other Taxable Deduction
Total Yearly Taxable Income
No tax is payable if total income under salaries does not exceed 4,800,000 MMK.
20% Personal Allowance
Personal Allowance involves taking 20% of the individual's Annual Income, but if that amount exceeds 10,000,000 MMK, the Personal Allowance will be capped at the maximum limit of 10,000,000 MMK.
Parents Relief
1,000,000 MMK per parent for dependent parents living with the taxpayer. The term “parent” includes a father or mother.
Spouse Relief
In the event that the spouse is a non-earner, spouse will be granted a Spouse Allowance totaling 1,000,000 MMK.
Child Relief
500,000 MMK per annum for each child living with the taxpayer who fulfills ALL of the following criteria:
1) is Unmarried
2) is not earning assessable income
3) is either under 18, or if 18 or over, is in full-time education
Other Investment
Premiums paid for the life insurance of the taxpayer and taxpayer’s spouse
Social Security Board (SSB)
2% of Basic Salary will be calculated as Monthly SSB, Minimum of 144,000MMK and Maximum limit of Basic Salary is 300,000MMK for SSB.
Total Relief Amount 0.00
Taxable Income After All Relief Slab % 0.00
2,000,000 0% 0.00
8,000,000 5% 0.00
20,000,000 10% 0.00
20,000,000 15% 0.00
20,000,000 20% 0.00
Above 25% 0.00
Yearly Tax 0.00
Monthly Tax 0.00